Post by Jackson Markus Ridge on Sept 23, 2012 18:19:26 GMT -6
an empty room, i'm empty too and everything ,
[/i][/color][/size][/font]an empty room, i'm empty too and everything ,
r e m i n d s m e o f y o u. s o m a n y t h i n g s i s h o u l d n 't h a v e m i s s e d. t h e m o r e t h a t i p u s h,
and the more you resist. it's easy to say it's for the best when you want more while you leave me with less.[/color][/font]
[/color] Jackson Markus RidgeFull Name:
Nicknames: Jacky, Jack
Age: 16
Birthdate: June 17th
Sexuality: gay
Gender: male
Problem: Phobias
Grade: Junior
Clique(s): Butterfly, Mirage
i know you're fine, but what do i do ?[/i][/color][/size][/font]
i k n o w y o u 'r e f i n e, b u t w h a t d o i d o? i 'm a w a k e, a n d t r y i n g, w h i l e y o u 'r e s l e e p i n g
like a babe beside him. i'm on the ledge while you're so god damn polite and composed.[/color][/font]
[/color] 5'8"Height:
Weight: 103 lbs
Hair Color: pale blonde
Eye Color: hazel/green depending on the lighting.
Notable Features: septum, ears, belly button, a mickey mouse tattoo on his ankle, hip dermals.
Play-By: Izzy Hilton
General Description: Jack has always been on the thinner side, thanks to his amazing ability to stuff his fingers down his throat and smile while he declined food. While he is a male in every way, he could have so many people fooled. He dresses like a little girl and has some amazing style. He is skinny, almost sickly looking. Jack picks at food like a bird. He is very active in his own way. On top of sports and bouncing from class to class, Jack is very hyper. He has his own outrageous sense of style and he loves it. His long blond hair is always style. This kid will never leave his room unless he looks like absolute perfection.
Being the girly girl type, Jack usually sticks to bright colors that are on the tighter side. Being that he is so slim and on the femme side of things, Jack tends to fit himself into the 'preppy' style. He has always fit into girl's clothing so much better than male's, which just totally proves that he was supposed to be this way. He doesn't want to be a girl, he just likes to feel pretty. He definitely likes to look pretty, but he clearly doesn't see himself as perfect. He strives for perfection. His favorite thing in the world is a great flowing skirt and tights. He wears his hair longer with occasional streaks of semi-permanent color for a bit of change.
and i know you see me, and you're making it ,[/i][/color][/size][/font]
l o o k s o e a s y. w h a t c o m e s a n d g o e s, i 'd g o w i t h o u t. i k n o w y o u 'r e f i n e b u t w h a t a b o u t
fallout , fallout , fallout, through the fallout. fallout, fallout, through the fallout. well now there's him,[/color][/font]
[/color] pink, glitter, makeup, dresses, glitter, high heels, lip gloss, shopping, fast food, holidays, glitter, money, hair dye, jewelry, cheer leading, pink, neon, laughing, boys, his friends, sparkly things, and lots and lots of pink. Did I mention glitter?Likes:
Dislikes: His fears. There are a lot of them.
Waiting. Jack is not a patient person. He fidgets a lot and is very anxious all the time.
Being alone. He's afraid of being left alone in life. He's a social butterfly. He thrives on being noticed.
Storms. It's one of his fears, but he really just hates loud noises.
Jeans. He loves to look gorgeous and be fabulous. He hates the idea that he could look plain or simple in any way.
Rumors. Everybody talks... except Jack. He doesn't believe in rumors or gossip. He may look like a girl, but he is anything but catty.
Strengths: Accessorizing. Jack is fantastic as looking good!
Listening. While Jack definitely likes to giggle and hear himself talk, he can be one of the best listeners.
Manipulation. He definitely doesn't try to manipulate people to get what he wants, but it's obvious that he definitely knows how to get things. People just seem to want to give him what he wants.
Make up. He is one classy diva. He's been told that he could teach girls how to be more of a woman but lets face it: he's just a man in a dress.
Weaknesses: His weight. Jack is very self conscious when it comes to how much he weighs. When he looks in the mirror, he doesn't see fat, but he knows it's there. Every time he steps on the scale, he feels physical pain when he sees a number over 90 pounds.
His fears. Lets face it, Jack is afraid of everything. I mean everything. It's surprising that he can manage to leave his room most of the time.
Cliques. He doesn't necessarily want to be the center of attention or the 'it' child, but he definitely does want to be noticed. He doesn't want to be judged. He wants a lot of things though... like world peace.
Fears: The Dark. Or well, what is in the dark. No, that's a lie. Jack is afraid of anything that has to do with the dark.
Noise. He is terrified of loud noises. He's known to hide under the bed at just about any loud noise.
Needles. He is afraid of them because he is afraid that they'll cause pain. Or in some cases, of what the needle is injecting into him.
Second Stories. Houses. He is fine when it comes to flying in cheer or climbing trees or going over bridges while driving, but you get him on a second story of a house and he will be reduced to tears. Same goes for airplanes or hot air balloons or anything else that has to do with being detached from the ground.
Spiders. Jack is terrified of spiders. He will faint if someone even suggests that there is a spider near him.
Being alone. He needs someone to be around him at every moment of every day or he will lose it.
The Nasties. He has a very terrible irrational fear of beings of darkness, made up by his own mind. They come to steal him away in the night and the only person that he has ever trusted to chase them away is his Nix.
Birds. They attacked him when he was a little boy and ever since, he's been terrified of all winged beasts.
Big Dogs. Lets face it, they drool and make loud barking noises. Of course he would be afraid of them.
The KoolAid Man. He used to have nightmares that the Koolaid Man would break into his house and hurt him.
Clowns. Bad memories resurface when it comes to clowns. Lets not down down memory lane.
Thunder. This mainly has to do with it being a loud noise, but whenever Nix is around, his fear subsides a bit.
Small Spaces. Imperfection. Water.
Disorders: He has many phobias. He also has a very severe eating disorder, but he typically keeps that on the down low.
General Description: Jack is like the energizer bunny on steroids. Just spending a few minutes with him can make someone feel tired for hours. He acts like a young child and he is just as active. Jacky has many, many irrational fears and worries. He often pulls off rather childish fits. He might annoy certain people. This kid is the type to always need to have a protector and is definitely a space invader. Though is is honestly just a child at heart, he has been through a lot of heart ache, even if it is hard to see from the surface. No one will ever know the pain he's had to endure. He always wears a smiling mask, as if everything is bright and colorful in his eyes.
Jack is the type to do anything to make everyone happy. He is definitely a pacifist and he knows it. He is shameless about reminding people that they shouldn't say 'naughty' words and will always speak his mind, but nicely. Jack is the definition of innocence. He is very likely to cry over silly things and he will often cry his hardest to try and resolve a fight. He is over all very cheerful and kind to everyone and anyone he crosses, even if he doesn't have a reason to be polite and kind.[/justify][/blockquote][/size]
and now there's me. the secrets you give ,[/i][/color][/size][/font]
a n d t h e s e c r e t s y o u k e e p. a n d n e v e r t h e l e s s, i t 's n e v e r y o u l e t. t h e m o r e t h a t i g i v e
and the less that i get. don't tell me to fight, to fight for you. after this long, i shouldn't have to[/color][/font]
[/color] Summer RidgeMother:
Father: David Ridge
Siblings: N/A
Pets: N/A
Other: Plenty of nannies that raised him.
Phoenix, his 'protector'.
History: Living in a wealthy family, Jack had a seemingly perfect life. He lived on the ritzy side of the city with his lawyer father and a stay at home mother. Who wouldn't want Jacky's life? He had a life that just about any normal teenager would be envious of. A lawyer father that could get him out of any trouble that he found himself to, a mother who loved the finer things in life, all the money he could ask for... all the material items he wanted. No one realized the way Jack saw his 'loving family' or what happened behind closed doors of the Ridge home.
His mother, young at heart and a barbie doll look to top it off, had always been happy being the stay at home mother. Spending all of her time shopping with her friends and taking expensive tennis lessons at their country club. Jack always found himself stuck at home alone. As if she cared what her son was doing while she was away from the house. For any rebel at heart, his life would be perfect. His mother, always carrying a glass of orange juice around with her, seeming perfect in her short expensive dresses and perfectly styled hair and tanned skin. Little did anyone know that more times than not, she was perfectly wasted to the point of obviation. She only saw things she wanted to, after all. Maybe that was how so many things slipped past her.
David Ridge, big time lawyer and respected man of the community. Viewed as a Class A lawyer and even sort of a hero in many eyes. To his family, he was nothing more than a cheater and a liar. Since Jack was a little kid, he had went from sleeping with his clients to sleeping exclusively with his secretary... cliche much? As the years dragged on, his father's hours at the office increased and his hours at home seemed to slip away as if they meant nothing to the man... in reality, they meant nothing more than just a place to go when he was bored of court cases and floozies.
Jack, expressed flamer and outgoing optimist, was nothing more than the boy with the perfect family that just wanted so much more. When he had a school play or talent show, it seemed that he knew better than to even consider the idea of his parents showing up unless it had some benefit for them. His excuse to everyone else? His father had a big case coming up and his mother had a dinner party that night. For some, a new game or car would make up for their parents absence... for Jack, it was seen as just another way they were trying to buy his love. Over time, his fears increased and his self discovery went underway. David and Summer's blindness seemed to increase. Finally, he'd had enough. His father had seemed to have enough as well.
One night after coming home exhausted from some party his mother had forced him to attend, David Ridge was surprised by an outraged phone call from a close colleague, making it perfectly clear that Jackson was causing all kinds of problems. While he had known for a while that his sorry excuse for a son was gay, he hadn't expected for it to become a problem. After all, it was possible that Jack could live a 'normal' life, right? He couldn't afford to have his name to be ruined by some pathetic excuse of a son. It wasn't soon after that he was sent to St. Abrams. His parents never turned back. Who would want a son with that kind of baggage? After all, he was just the family queer.[/justify][/blockquote][/size]
i know you're fine, but what do i do? i know ,[/i][/color][/size][/font]
y o u 'r e f i n e, b u t w h a t d o i d o? i 'm a w a k e a n d t r y i n g w h i l e y o u 'r e s l e e p i n g l i k e a
babe beside him.i'm on the ledge while you're so god damn polite and composed.[/color][/font]
[/color] DevinAlias:
Age: 21
Time Zone: Eastern
Other Characters: N/A
Code Words:[/justify][/blockquote][/size]
this template was made by alice. it uses the lyrics
for "fallout" by marianas trench. do not steal,
alter, edit, or use without her permission or she will
send the evil monkey in her closet after you. you have
been warned.[/i][/center]